We offer a broad range of courses for military and law enforcement personnel, security professionals, and private companies and individuals. They’re characterized by innovative, thoroughly-vetted material, detailed lesson plans, and efficient, professional delivery.
Telluric is a manufacturer, importer, distributor, and retailer of practical, reliable gear. We are a full-service police and security supply company with direct B2G and retail sales channels. We also provide specialized equipment in support of US military weapons programs.
Need help accessing the law enforcement or military markets? We help companies with market analyses, product testing, and other tasks that involve direct law enforcement or military end-user contact. Leverage our location, contacts, and experience for your brand.
The Hidden Operational Problem
That should be keeping you up at night
A large percentage of military and law enforcement personnel are operating with rifles that are not zeroed. The implications of this are enormous. For the military, it means reduced lethality and increased casualty rates for friendly forces and non-combatants. For law enforcement officers, it increases risk to officers and innocent bystanders (and increases liability).

Establish Relationships
Agents we train with at FLETC are assigned to field offices throughout the US. They work with other federal agencies and with area state and local LE agencies.
Marketing & Sales
We leverage relationships on FLETC to let agents and officers all over the country know who we are and what we offer.
LE Agency Liaison
Those relationships also provide us with law enforcement contacts for protective operations, protective intelligence, and investigations when there is a nexus with criminal activity.